Can we change the name of one of the extensions in our report?

Last reviewed: 12/8-2024.

If you have an account in your financial statements named "Financial Income and Expenses,’ we will be tagging it with the extension "FinanceIncomeAndFinanceCost." However if you would request us to change the tagging to the FinanceIncomeAndExpenses, unfortunately we won’t give course to your request for a good reason. 

You and other issuers are free to name your accounts as you find appropriate. For example "Financial Expenses", "Financial Costs", "Monetary Expenses" or simply "Expenses" in the visual aspect of your annual report.  No matter how these are named, in the iXBRL these will all be tagged with the taxonomy element "FinanceCost". 

We apply the same logic to creating extensions. Returning to the example above, the account "Financial Income and Expenses" is a summation of two elements: "FinanceIncome" and "FinanceCost". That is why we name the resulting extension "FinanceIncomeAndFinanceCost".