How to Convert Your Report to iXBRL

Converting your annual financial report to iXBRL formats such as ESEF is actually quite simple with our ParsePort XBRL Inspector.

All you need is a PDF file containing your annual financial report along with an Excel file containing your mapped annual financial statements. We will provide the latter during your onboarding.

Converting with the ParsePort XBRL Inspector

When using the ParsePort XBRL Inspector, you will have access to the inspector tools the moment your conversion is completed.

  1. Start by navigating to where you can use your credentials to log in;
  2. After logging in, you need to click the menu item labelled Convert;
  3. Upload the PDF version of your annual report along with the Excel file containing the simplified tags and your financial statements and then click Upload File;
  4. You then need to make sure the Validate file box is ticked (unticking this box will increase the conversion speed, but you will not have access to the validation sheet afterwards);
  5. At the same time, you need to make sure that the check box for Use dev. environment is left off. Checking this box may result in errors during conversion;
  6. Finally you can click Upload File;
  7. After the conversion is complete you will be taken to the validation sheet where you can see if there are any errors within the report;
  8. When you want to download your ESEF file, simply click the ZIP icon in the top right corner on the validation page.

Please find the inspector manual via the following link.