When I upload my files for conversion the process stalls at “uploading”, what should I do?

Last reviewed: 05/8-2024.

When you upload your files for conversion, the platform will go through different steps that will be displayed on the screen, once each step is completed it will be marked with a green check mark or a red X.  Naturally the check means the process is complete, and the system moves to the next step, and the X indicates that the process fails at this certain step.

In some cases, the process will not move past “Uploading”, which often is caused by an issue with the internet connection and it has caused the Platform to time out.

If this happens, there are a few things you can do:

  • First and most common approach is to make sure the internet connection is fine, test other sites etc. Refresh the ParsePort Platform page, and reupload your files. 
  •  If you are timed out after refreshing the page, you need to log out of the portal and retry  logging in, upload your files and convert and validate.

If this issue persists, reach out to support@parseport.com and one of our team members will gladly help you out.