Last reviewed: 20/9-2024.
Using the ParsePort Platform you can create iXBRL files in as many languages you want, although you should be mindful that if you are reporting to ESEF, the taxonomy is only translated into the 23 European languages.
You should be aware that creating iXBRL files in different languages still requires you to translate the PDF version of your annual financial reports into the desired languages.
How to Create Secondary Language Versions of Your iXBRL File
Creating iXBRL files in different languages with the ParsePort Platform is quite simple, and you only need to make a few corrections to the Excel Template.
- When you have the PDF report in the corresponding language, you need to open your Excel Template and navigate to the General Data Sheet.
- Here you need to change the field titled "Report Language Code" to correspond with the language of the PDF you want to convert. Be aware that changing the "Language Code" will also change the naming extension in the field "Customer taxonomy filename" to include the extension matching the chosen language. This can be overwritten manually if you desire.
- Make sure that the field titled "Label language code" corresponds with your master language (ie. the language used in your Excel file). By default, this field is set to correspond to the "Report Language code" field, but when you produce multiple language versions that shouldn't be the case.
- When this has been changed, you can convert the Excel Template along with the appropriate language version of your PDF. This will produce an iXBRL file in the corresponding language.
- If you want to create multiple language versions, you simply need to repeat this process for each language.