The conversion process is really slow

How long it takes to convert your files to iXBRL will first and foremost depend on the size of your files. The larger the files, the more the converter has to read through and sort before creating your iXBRL file.

First, we recommend that you upload the Excel template that we've supplied you with (Not a version that include master information of your financials) when you convert to iXBRL. Our template only contains the information necessary to create your file, which in turn speeds up the conversion.  

If yet the conversion still takes too long, your PDF report might be the cause of it. If your PDF report is large in size but you need to generate a file to be reviewed by your auditors, you can start with the extraction of financial statements and/or the Notes section to reduce the final size but still containing relevant information that needs to be reviewed. It would definitely speed up the conversion process.

In the meantime, you can contact our customer support department to investigate and find the way to improve the conversion time of your files. Keep in mind that not only the PDF but how your block tagging method is prepared and the new processes and security checks that are involved in the ParsePort platform might affect the conversion time.

We generally recommend that you use Firefox as your browser when using our converting tool, but conversion times should be similar using any other browser.