1. ParsePort - Knowledge Base
  2. SelfServ (Troubleshooting)

Error: [ix11.4.1.2:continuationMissing]

  • Error location 

This error message is located in xHTML check.

This error message is linked to other error and warning messages in:

  • Conversion Errors
  • Taxonomypackage Check 
  • Error explanation

This error is linked to an issue within your Notes sheet.

  • How to solve it

The most common case in which this error is triggered is when there is one (or more) duplicate elements in the Notes sheet of your Excel template, i.e. when the same element is applied on the same area 

(Please see example below where Columns A, D and F are the same), and refer to point 3 in Conversion Errors (Notes)

Fixing the issues in the Notes sheet of your Excel template will make all the related error and warning messages disappear.