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  2. SelfServ (Troubleshooting)

Warning: (Partially)HiddenFact

  • Warning location 

This warning message is located in Import Errors:

Hidden fact

This warning is linked to Conversion Errors. There can be two possible causes for this warning, and both are related to the note tagging:


Areas are not defined correctly, please refer to this article (Conversion Errors (Areas)

If the first error message in ‘Conversion Errors’ starts with one of your Area names (e.g. All Notes / Note 1 / Note 4.1 / ..) then one or more of your areas have issues.

2.4.1 2-1


Notes are not defined correctly, please refer to this article (Conversion Errors (Notes))

If the first error message in ‘Conversion Errors’ starts with an element from the taxonomy (e.g. Disclosure of xxx / Description of accounting policy / …) then the issue comes from the note definition in the Excel template. 

2.4.1 3-1