1. ParsePort - Knowledge Base
  2. Hypertagging and Block Tagging

What if I must use different hyperlinks/elements for the same note?

Last reviewed: 20/9-2024

The method of tagging the Notes can vary, and its feasibility depends on the following considerations:

  1. For the Hypertaging method, overlapping two or more hyperlinks over a specific Note section is not possible. If you need to use more than one element to tag the same Note, you would need to create Multitags. Please refer to the relevant section on how to create Multitags for more information on how to proceed with this method.
  2. For the Text Search Method, the process is similar. You only need to insert the general area://text link. This method allows you to select as many elements as you need for a particular note by inserting them into the designated Excel Template sheet used for tagging the Notes.